If we rearrange the letters in the word "strange", what is the ratio of rearrangements where the vowels are not together to the rearrangements where they are together?

1 Answer



Let's first consider how many different ways we can arrange the letters in the word strange. There are 7 letters and so we can arrange them #7! = 5040# ways.

How many of those ways will have the vowels together?

  • There are 2 vowels and they can be arranged 2 different ways: AE and EA.

  • There are 6 different places in the word these two vowels can be: positions 1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 4...all the way to 6, 7.

  • That leaves the 5 remaining letters to be arranged in whatever arrangement around the two vowels in #5!# ways.

And so there are:

#2xx6xx5! = 12xx120 = 1440=n# ways to arrange the letters so that the vowels are together.

This means there are:

#5040-1440=3600=m# ways to arrange the letters so that the vowels are not together.

We can therefore set up the ratio #m:n# as
