Question #c8be1

1 Answer
Sep 24, 2017

No An introduction should grab the readers interest and then forecast what the rest of the article is going to say. This introduction gives too much detail better saved for later paragraphs.


Grab attention

The most infamous audit debacle in history caused the bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation and dissolution of of the largest accounting partnerships in the world.
(This opening statement should get the reader's attention the use of words like infamous, debacle, largest have impact)

Forecast what the article will be about.

This scandal caused largest bankruptcy reorganizations in US history. The collapse of two such large companies as Enron and Arthur Anderson LLP was totally unanticipated. The shock of these collapses made the adopting of ethical standards a requirement for companies.

Paragraph 1 explain the collapse of Enron
Paragraph 2 explain the dissolution of Arthur Anderson LLP
Paragraph 3 explain the effects of the scandal in terms of ethical standards.

Conclusion summarize the article.