How did the Korean War start?

1 Answer
Sep 28, 2017

Post World War 2 the USSR and the USA split Korea. Kim Il Sung the North Korean leader, with aid from the USSR, attacked South Korea with USSR and Chinese permission.


In the Post World War 2 scramble for for areas of influence the US insisted on splitting Korea rather than leaving it for the Communists. The US put Syngman Rhee, a Christian Korean in charge of South Korea. To help keep things calm the US limited the amount of heavy weapons provided the South Korean Government. Leftist protests caused disruption in the South and were bloodily suppressed by South Korea.

Kim Il Sung was the USSR's candidate for North Korea. Kim saw the chaos in the South as an opportunity and asked permission from Stalin to invade. Stalin was ok with it if Mao was ok with it. Stalin also provided a number of tanks to Kim.

As we know it didn't end well.