What is the fraction between #1/3 and 1/5#?

1 Answer
Oct 1, 2017

The fraction exactly between them is #4/15#

There are many, many fractions between #1/3 and 1/5#.
Using a larger number as the denominator allows you to find some.


'The' fraction implies the fraction exactly halfway between them.
The obvious answer would seem to be #1/4#. However, it is wrong.

Find equivalent fractions for #1/3 and 1/5# with the same denominator:

#LCM =15#
#1/3 and 1/5" "rarr 5/15 and 3/15" ":. 4/15# is exactly between them. (But this is not #1/4#!)

However, if you choose a larger denominator you will easily see how many other fractions there are.

Denominator of #60#

#1/3 and 1/5" "rarr 20/60 and 12/60#

#:. 13/60" "14/60" "15/60" "16/60" "17/60" "18/60" "19/60# are all between

Denominator of #75#

#1/3 and 1/5" "rarr 25/75 and 15/75#

#16/75" "17/75" "18/75" "19/75" "20/75" "21/75" "22/75" "23/75" "24/75#
are all between #1/3 and 1/5#