How many geometric isomers are possible for #H_3C-CH_2CHBrCHFCH_2CH_3#?

1 Answer
Oct 4, 2017

Are there not FOUR possible geometries......?


For #H_3C-CH_2CHBrCHFCH_2CH_3# are not the substituted carbons, #C3#, and #C4# chiral? And thus with respect to chiral carbons, are there not FOUR possible stereoisomers: #"RR"#; #"RS"#; #"SR"#; and #"SS"#.

In general a molecule with #n# chiral centres can generate up to #2^n# stereoisomers. I qualified this statement with the words #"up to"#, because for some molecules (but not this one), #RS-=SR#, i.e. they are equivalent meso structures, but in the given molecular there is no internal symmetry...

And if you find it hard vizualizing this MAKE A MODEL......

See here for basics...and also here..and here and here.

Don't forget your text, and I reiterate the importance of models.