Question #7f63f

1 Answer
Oct 10, 2017

The power of the executive branch,and the federal government, the composition and power of the legislative branch and the issue of slavery.


The articles of confederation had no executive branch because of the fear of a over riding central power because of the abuses of the King of England. The concern was to limit the power of the chief executive but allow enough power for an effective government. Some like Hamilton wanted a president for life. Others wanted no president but more like a head of parliament like in England.

The articles of confederation gave so much power to the individual states that it was impossible to pass any meaningful legislation. The issue was how much power to give to the central government and how much power to reserve to the individual states. The America civil war was in part a conflict to resolve the issue of which had precedence state's rights or the federal government.

The small states wanted a legislature that was based solely on the number of states. The large states wanted a legislature that was based solely on the number of people. The New Jersey plan would have given the small states more power than the large states. The Virginia Plan would have given the large states most of the power. They compromised the small states got the senate, and the large states the House of Representatives.

The issue of slavery was a source of conflict. Many from New England wanted slavery outlawed in the constitution. Many from the southern states want slavery guaranteed in the constitution. The northern states like New York did not want slaves counted at all for the House of Representatives. South Carolina having more slaves than free wanted each slave counted the same as a voting citizen. Again they compromised slaves counted as 3/5 of a person. Making no decision as the ultimate fate of slavery in the United States. The issue of slavery would finally be solved by conflict in the Civil War.