Question #11cbe

1 Answer
Oct 11, 2017

Wealth is power and trade is a means of accumulating wealth, At the time of Sir Walter Raleigh ocean travel was the main means of international trade.


Sir Walter Raleigh was influence by both his time and the nation of his birth. England being an island was totally dependent on the ocean for trade with other nations. This caused him to regard the ocean as the only means of trade and transportation.

Actually the silk road and the trans Sahara gold salt trade are examples of land routes that brought wealth. Ghana by controlling the trans Sahara trade route commanded the wealth produced by this trade and consequently the world of sub Sahara western Africa.
Islam when it conquered Constantipole gained complete control of the silk road providing the Ottoman Turkish Empire with great wealth and power.

The successful effort by the Portsequese to find a sea route to India quickly took the place of the silk road as a means of transportation eliminating the monopoly that the Islamic Ottoman Empire had for a short time. The small nation of Portugal became a world power because of its control of the trade route to India.

The English after their defeat of the Spanish Armada were becoming the dominate naval power in the world. By controlling the ocean England control much of the trade of the world. This made England both wealthy and powerful, resulting in a British Empire where the sun never set.