What is the Range of the function #f(x) = 6x - 1# for the Domain #{0, 2, 4}#?

1 Answer
Oct 16, 2017

See a solution process below:


To find the Range of the function given the Domain in the problem we need to substitute each value in the Domain for #x# and calculate the result:

For #x = 0#:

#f(x) = 6x - 1# becomes:

#f(x) = (6 * 0) - 1#

#f(x) = 0 - 1#

#f(x) = -1#

For #x = 2#:

#f(x) = 6x - 1# becomes:

#f(x) = (6 * 2) - 1#

#f(x) = 12 - 1#

#f(x) = 11#

For #x = 4#:

#f(x) = 6x - 1# becomes:

#f(x) = (6 * 4) - 1#

#f(x) = 24 - 1#

#f(x) = 23#

Therefore the Range is #{-1, 11, 23}#