Question #b0b54

1 Answer
Oct 17, 2017

See below.


graph{3x/((x-2)(x+5)) [-32.46, 32.48, -16.24, 16.22]}

For the domain we need to solve the inequalities #(x-2)(x+5)>0# and #(x-2)(x+5)<0#

Since we can't have a zero in the denominator.

#(x-2)(x+5)>0=> x>2 , x<-5#

#(x-2)(x+5)<0=> x> -5 , x < 2#

This gives:

#{x in RR : -oo < x < -5}uu{x in RR : -5 < x < 2}uu{x in RR : 2 < x < oo}#

This could also be expressed:

#{x in RR : x != 2 and x != -5 }#

#y# axis intercepts occur where #x = 0#


Vertical asymptotes occur when the denominator is 0, this is at #x=2# and #x=-5#

Equations of these are:

#x=2# and #x=-5#

As #x# increases without bound in the positive direction:

#x-> oo# , #(3x)/((x-2)(x+5)) -> 0#

And in the negative direction:

#x-> -oo# , #(3x)/((x-2)(x+5)) -> 0#


#y=0# is a horizontal asymptote.