Question #4fe43

2 Answers
Nov 15, 2017

"Cool" (not really cool ) material sinks relative to the much hotter surrounding material because it is more dense.


Cooler things are always more dense than hotter things, so they sink.

This is why hot air rises, and why hot air balloons float upward.

Nov 15, 2017



When molecules are hot ( higher temperatures) the molecules move faster and spread apart. The further apart the molecules the lower the density because the same mass of molecules are spread over a larger volume.

When the molecules cool ( lower temperatures) the molecules move slower, have fewer collisions, and so are closer together. The closer the molecules are together the higher the density, because the same mass of molecules are spread over a smaller volume.

The more dense molecules being relatively heavier sink while the hotter less dense molecule rise. This can be easily observed in a pan of boiling water.

This is an experiment to illustrate convection currents and density. Put a clear beaker ( pyrex bowl) on a heater. Put a drop of food coloring in the water just before the water begins to boil. Observe the movement of the color as the heat makes the water rise in the middle and sink on the cooler edges.