Question #72d1f

1 Answer
Nov 29, 2017

The 1919 Treaty of Versailles


A. the Paris Peace Conference was where and when the treaty of Versailles was signed. There were other parts of the Paris Peace Conference, such as the agreement to form the League of Nation.

B. The formation of the League of Nations happened after the end of World War I. The agreement to form the League of Nation was ironed out during the Paris Peace Conference. The goal of the League of Nation was to prevent another world war ( it failed)

C. The 1919 Treaty of Versalles was the treaty that officially ended World War I and set the requirements for Germany's surrender.
Sadly the treaty was so harsh that the requirements set the stage for World War II.

D. The removal of Kaiser Wihelm II was a result of the defeat of Germany not the peace settlement but his removal made the Peace Conference of Pris go smoother.