Does mitosis occur before or after DNA replication?

1 Answer
Dec 4, 2017

Mitosis occurs after DNA replication because DNA replication doubles the number of chromosomes, and mitosis separates the two new sets of chromosomes into separate nuclei, and then the cell divides.


The purpose of DNA replication is to produce two identical complete sets of chromosomes, which for humans is #96# #(2xx46)#.

Mitosis is the process by which two identical sets of chromosomes are separated and moved into what will become two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell will have one complete set of chromosomes #(46)#, each of which are identical to both daughter cells and the original cell. At the end of mitosis, the cell cytoplasm and organelles will separate into two new cells by cytokinesis, each having identical chromosomes.

DNA replication, mitosis, and cytokinesis are the means by which organisms grow and replace dead or dying cells.