Question #66239

1 Answer
Dec 15, 2017

See answer below


The French and Indian War started it. The colonist were loyal to England until after the war. Then England made colonist pay more taxes but colonist weren't happy. Also, British made colonist stay on the east side of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonist were mad about that too because they had set up trades.

The Stamp Act is another reason. The Stamp Act was by the British Parliment. It meant that there was tax on every colonist and they had to pay tax for every paper they used. Ship's paper, legal documents, licenses, newspaper, and playing card. The colonist weren't happy that they had no representation in the British Parliament. They felt it was unfair to tax them without any representation.

The Colonist boycotted the Stamp Act. The British were struggling and they abandoned the Stamp Act. Then England created the Declaratory Act. The Declaratory Act said that England could tax the colonist if they wanted to. The British taxed glass, paper, and tea. Colonist stooped buy goods from England all together.

The Boston Masscre was on March 5, 1770. A massacre is where a lot of people die. About 60 angry colonist were throwing rocks and snowballs at the soldiers. The British fired, killing 5 colonist and injuring 6.