Question #51785

1 Answer
Dec 24, 2017

Here's one way to do it.


Step 1. Draw a cyclohexane chair

(Adapted from Leah4sci)

I like to start by drawing the axial bonds and numbering the top carbon as #"C1".

Step 2. Attach the isopropyl group

The bulkiest group always goes in an equatorial position,

Isopropyl is bulkier than ethyl, so we put the isopropyl group equatorial ("up") on #"C2"#.

(Adapted from Leah4sci)

Step 3. Attach the ethyl group

The ethyl group is trans to isopropyl.

Isopropyl is "up", so ethyl must be down.

Put the isopropyl group in the equatorial position on #"C1"#

(Adapted from Leah4sci)

Step 4. Clean up the structure

Erase the axial bonds on the unsaturated #"C"# atoms.

Also, put #"H"# atoms on #"C1"# and #"C2"# (this prevents the axial bonds being mistaken for ethyl groups).

(Adapted from Leah4sci)