Question #7b9b3

1 Answer
Jan 18, 2018

Pain sensation is solely due to the presence of sensory organs like naked fiber endings which carry pain signal in presence of stimulus and it's read out by the brain after reaching through sensory nerves.

Absence of pain naturally without application of drugs (like analgesics or anesthetics) means the organ is having no innervation by nervous system.

Such organs in our body are nails(excepting the eponychium) and hair(excepting the medulla).
Hence,cutting your nails and hair tells you about no pain.

Besides we have a keratinised layer of skin which is full of dead cells and undergoes wear and tear process. But it's not possible to take it out naturally without special care as it blends finely with the underlying stratum germinativum. (the layer which produces new cells of epidermis)