What is the value of #sin# in terms of #cos#, and of #cos# in terms of #sin#?

1 Answer
Feb 26, 2018

See below but the relation is based on the general formula #sin^2+cos^2=1# and application of the CAST rule for which basic trig functions are positive in which quadrants,


#{: ("In Quadrant I:", color(white)("xx"),sin = +sqrt(1-cos^2), color(white)("xx"),cos=+sqrt(1-sin^2)), ("In Quadrant II:", color(white)("xx"),sin = +sqrt(1-cos^2), color(white)("xx"),cos=-sqrt(1-sin^2)), ("In Quadrant III:", color(white)("xx"),sin = -sqrt(1-cos^2), color(white)("xx"),cos=-sqrt(1-sin^2)), ("In Quadrant IV:", color(white)("xx"),sin = -sqrt(1-cos^2), color(white)("xx"),cos=+sqrt(1-sin^2)) :}#

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