Question #776ac

1 Answer
Feb 1, 2018

Please refer to the explanation.


The other three types of animal tissues are the connective tissues, muscle tissues, and nerve tissues.

Connective tissues connect the whole body together, as their name suggests. They are all different in size and shape. They also have really few cells in them, and their cells are arranged in an extracellular matrix, meaning that it has a collection of molecules in there to help the tissue. Some examples of connective tissues are
cartilage and blood.
Muscle tissues are soft tissues that make up the muscles in animal bodies. They are the most abundant tissue in most animals. They function by contracting, depending on the situation. These tissues are made of muscle cells. There are three types of muscle tissues:

skeletal muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue, and smooth muscle tissue

All of them have similar jobs, but are found in different parts of the body.

Nerve tissues are the main tissues in the nervous system. They are compromised of nerve cells, which have two categories, the neurons and the neuroglia. The neurons are responsible for generating and creating nerve impulses, so that your brain can think of what to do. On the other hand, the neuroglia are responsible for physical sport and electric insulation.

I hope that helps!
