Question #618d3

1 Answer
Feb 7, 2018
  1. To expand slavery
  2. To achieve manifest destiny
  3. To start a war with Mexico.


  1. The slave states wanted to accept Texas into state hood to expand slavery. The admission of Texas would give the slave states two more votes in the senate.

  2. The northern states wanted to accept Texas as part of the western expansion of the United States. The idea of Manifest Destiny was that the United States should extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Annexing Texas was a step in achieving the goal of Manifest Destiny.

  3. President James Polk wanted to annex Texas hoping that it would spark a war with Mexico. A war with Mexico would make it possible to the take over what is now New Mexico and Arizona. The United States had offered to purchase Mexico's Southwest territories. Mexico had refused. Mexico was a barrier to the United States moving into the southwest.

Annexing Texas achieved these goals. Texas did become a slave state and was an important part of the Confederacy. The United States did achieve Manifest Destiny. The United States ended up stretching from California on the Pacific to Georgia on the Atlantic.
Annexing Texas did spark a war with Mexico. The United States won the war forcing Mexico to yield its southwest territories.