How do you write #300/1800# as a percentage?

2 Answers
Feb 11, 2018

#16 2/3%# as an exact value

A lot of detail given so you can see where everything comes from.


#color(blue)("Something to think about")#

Percentage is basically a fraction. However, it is a special fraction in that the bottom number (denominator) is fixed at 100

Suppose for example we have 20 percent. This can be written as

#20/100" or "20%# they are both the same thing

#color(blue)("Answering the question")#

The whole (all of it) is the count of #1800#

The part of the whole is the count of #300#

So expressing this as a fraction of the whole we have: #300/1800#

But this needs to be expressed as a percentage so we have:

#300/1800=("some count")/100#

Let the unknown count (value) be represented by #x# giving:


We need to get #x# on its own on one side of the = and everything else on the other side. Thus we need to 'get rid' of the #100" from "x/100#

Multiply both sides by 100

#color(green)(300/1800=x/100 color(white)("dddd") ->color(white)("dddd") 300/1800color(red)(xx100)=x/100color(red)(xx100)#

#color(green)(color(white)("dddddddddddddd") ->color(white)("dddd") 300/cancel(1800)^18color(red)(xxcancel(100)^1)=x/cancel(100)^1color(red)(xxcancel(100)^1)#

#color(green)( color(white)("dddddddddddddd") ->color(white)("ddddddddd") 16 12/18color(white)("dd.d)=x )#

But #12/18->(12-:6)/(18-:6)=2/3 color(green)(->color(white)("ddddd")16 2/3 color(white)("dddd")=x)#

As #1/3=0.33333...# where the 3's go on for ever
then #2/3=0.6666...# where the 6's go on for ever

So we have three options for the answer format

#color(red)("EXACT FRACTION VALUE "-> color(white)("ddddd") x=16 2/3%)#

#color(red)("EXACT DECIMAL ANSWER "-> color(white)("ddddd") x~~16.66bar6%#

Note that the bar over the last 6 means it goes on for ever

Or you can round the decimal which is not exact

#color(red)("APPROXIMATE DECIMAL ANSWER "-> color(white)("dd") x~~16.667#
Rounded to 3 decimal places

Feb 11, 2018

See a solution process below:


"Percent" or "%" means "out of 100" or "per 100", Therefore x% can be written as #x/100#.

So we can write and solve for #x#:

#x/100 = 300/1800#

#x/100 = (color(blue)(cancel(color(black)(3)))1color(red)(cancel(color(black)(00))))/(color(blue)(cancel(color(black)(18)))6color(red)(cancel(color(black)(00))))#

#x/100 = 1/6#

#color(red)(100) xx x/100 = color(red)(100) xx 1/6#

#cancel(color(red)(100)) xx x/color(red)(cancel(color(black)(100))) = 100/6#

#x = 16.6666666666666...#


#x = 16.7# rounded to the nearest tenth#


#x = 16.bar6#


#(16.bar6)/100 = 16.bar6%#