A boutique sold $127.50 worth of purses for $7.50 each.=. How many purses did they sell?

2 Answers
Sep 16, 2016



Check: #17xx$7.50=$127.50#

Sep 19, 2016

The same as Meneerr but with a slight twist (underlying principle)

17 purses were sold

#color(red)("I am sure I have seen this question before!")#


Using ratio

#("total cost")/("single cost")->("total count")/("single count =1")#

#=>127.5/7.5 -=("total count")/1#

Need to change the denominator of 7.5 to the value of 1 but maintain the ratio. What you do to the bottom you do to the top (for multiply or divide).

#color(brown)("The next line is where Meneerr's shortcut method comes in")#

#=>(127.5-:7.5)/(7.5-:7.5) =("total count")/1 #


#=>("total count")/1 = 17/1#

Thus 17 purses were sold