A car coasts up a hill. As it climbs, it slows down. Which type of energy is the car losing as it goes up?

1 Answer
May 2, 2018

It is loosing Kinetic Energy.


The formula for Kinetic Energy is

#KE = 1/2*m*v^2#

The #v# is velocity. So as the car "slows down", the value of #v# decreases and takes the value of #KE# down with it.

The next question is, "where does that energy go?" The answer is it goes into Gravitational Potential Energy. If the hill is long enough, and if the car is left in "coast" mode, it will stop and then start going back downhill. The growing Kinetic Energy (as the downhill velocity grows) is fed by the decreasing Gravitational Potential Energy.

I hope this helps,