A person who runs the 100-yard dash in 10.1 seconds has an average speed of 9.9 yards/second. Convert 9.9 yards/second to miles/hour?

1 Answer
Nov 26, 2017

#(9.9xx60xx60)/1760 = 20.25# miles per hour


#9.9# yards per second means that #9.9# yards are run in #1# second.

Calculate the distance this would be in one minute #(xx60)# and then in one hour #(xx60)#

#9.9 xx60xx60 = 35,640# yards in #1# hour.

#1# mile = #1760# yards.

Find the number of miles in #35,640# yards #(div 1760)#

#35640/1760 = 20.25# miles

#9.9 " yards per sec" = 20.25 " miles per hour"#

In one calculation:

#(9.9xx60xx60)/1760 = 20.25#