A sample of #C_3H_8# has #6.72 times 10^24# #H# atoms. How many carbon atoms does the sample contain?

1 Answer
Jul 5, 2017

Would this not simply be #3/8xx6.72xx10^24# #"carbon atoms"#?


If we have #6.72xx10^24# hydrogen atoms in the propane sample, surely given the formula of propane, i.e. #C_3H_8#, there would be #3/8xx6.72xx10^24# individual carbon atoms......

The numbers here are pretty irrelevant (meaning that I could choose any number), save that we also know that #"Avogadro's Number"# of #"propane molecules"#, #6.022xx10^23# individual molecules of propane, has a mass of #44.1*g#. Can you tell us the mass of the given quantity of propane in the question?