Alan had thrice as many stickers as Janani. After Alan and Janani had given 40% and 20% of their stickers to Wendy respectively, the number of stickers that Wendy had increasedby1/4.Wendyhad1680stickersintheend.HowmanystickerdidJanani have in the end?

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2015

Janani now has 192 stickers.


Let's solve this as a system of equations.

#a = 3j# (Alan's stickers equal 3 times Janani's stickers)

#0.4a + 0.2j = .25w# (40% of Alan's stickers and 20% of Janani's stickers equal a quarter of Wendy's stickers)

First, let's replace #.25w# with a number, since we don't need to find Wendy's stickers. Remember that Wendy's total stickers PLUS the extra .25 equaled 1680.

#1.25w = 1680#
#0.25w = 336# (just divide by 5)
So, #0.4a + 0.2j = 336#

Now let's multiply by 2.5 to get 0.4a to be 1a.
#a + 0.5j = 840#

If #a = 3j#, then we can replace the #a# here with #3j#.
#3j + 0.5j = 840#
#3.5j = 840#
#j = 240#

So, Janani HAD 240 stickers. Remember, we only need to find how many Janani had in the end. If she ended up giving 20% of the stickers to Wendy, then she had 80% of her 240 stickers left. This means Janani then had 240 x 0.8, or #192# #stickers#.

Final Answer