Allison’s regular hourly rate of pay is $17.70. she is paid time and half for all work on weekends and for time over 7.5 hours on weekdays. Calculate her gross earnings for week in which she works 4.5,0,7.5,8.5,6,6,9 on Saturday to Friday respectively?

1 Answer
Jul 24, 2018

The gross earnings is #=876.15$#


The hourly rate is #H=17.70$#

For overtime #t>7.5h#,

the hourly rate is #H_1=17.70*1.5=26.55$#

For week ends,

the hourly rate is #H_1=17.70*1.5=26.55$#

The total normal hours worked is


The salary is #S_1=Ht=17.7*25.5=451.35$#

The overtime is #t_1=1h#

The salary is #S_2=H_1t_1=26.55*1=26.55$#

The time worked for the week end is


The salary is #S_3=H_1*t_2=26.55*15=398.25$#

The total earnings are
