An airplane on autopilot took 8 hours to travel 5,760 kilometers. What is the unit rate for kilometers per hour?

1 Answer
Nov 4, 2016

So the unit rate is #720" Kilometres per hour"#


The units of measurement gives the clue as to how to do the calculation.

Kilometres per hour #->("distance in kilometres")/("time in hours")#


For this to become unit (one) rate we need to change the 8 into 1 so we use #8-:8#

To maintain the ratio what we do to the bottom we do to the top when multiplying or dividing.

#=>("distance")/("time")->5760/8 -=(5760-:8)/(8-:8) = 720/1 =(720" Km")/(1" hr")#

So the unit rate is #720" Kilometres per hour"#

Or put another way #720" Kilometres "ul("for each")" hour"#