At Barlow School, #4/9# of the 873 students are boys, At Willow School #2/3# of the 630 students are girls. Which school has the greater number of boys and by how many?

1 Answer
Feb 6, 2017

Barlow School has the greater number of boys by #178#.


As at Barlow School, #4/9# of the #873# students are boys,

number of boys are #4/9xx873=4/(cancel9^1)xxcancel873^97#

= #4xx97=388#

At Willow School, we have #2/3# of the #630# students, girls.

Hence, number of girls are #2/3xx630=2/(cancel3^1)xxcancel630^210#

= #420#

Hence, number of boys are #630-420=210#.

Hence, Barlow School has the greater number of boys by
