At the store, beef jerky was $34.23 for 3 pounds. If you bought 7 pounds, how much would it cost?

1 Answer
Mar 16, 2018

Cost of 9 lbs of beef jerky # = color(green)($ 102.69#


Cost of 3 lbs of beef jerky #= $ 34.23#

Cos of 1 lb of beef jerky # color(white)(aa) = cancel(34.23)^color(red)(11.41) / cancel3 = $ 11.41#

Cost of 9 lbs of beef jerky #= $ 11.41 * 9 color(green)(= $ 102.69#

Aliter :

Cost of 3 lbs of beef jerky #= $ 34.23#

Cost of 9 lbs of beef jerky #= $ 34.23 *( cancel9 / cancel3) = color(green)($ 102.69#