BaSO4 is given to drink before having X-ray of stomach because?? a)X-ray is absorbed by heavy metal b)X-ray is diffracted by heavy metal

1 Answer
Apr 6, 2018



X-rays are readily absorbed by heavy metal atoms.

Bones absorb some X-rays passing through them due to their calcium content. On the other hand soft tissues of gut do not absorb X-rays readily. Thus it is necessary to coat these tissues with something that will absorb X-rays passing through them in order to create a picture.

Water is added to Barium sulfate powder to produce liquid suspension of barium sulfate. Patients are asked to drink this liquid before the tests.

Barium sulfate suspension coats the inside of the intestinal tract. As the barium ions absorb a high percentage of X-rays passing through the coated digestive system, fewer rays reach the photographic film. This results in dark and bright areas on the film.

Radiographs are taken with the help of an X-ray machine, and the shapes of the coated organs can be seen to look for problems in the digestive system.

Use of "barium meal" has side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and headache.

In the past few years the diagnostic use of barium has declined, as it is not 100% safe for human body. Therefore use of esophagogastroduodenoscopy or endoscopes in the digestive system has increased.