Compute i+i^2+i^3+\cdots+i^{258}+i^{259}. ?

2 Answers
Jul 31, 2018



The trick is to know about the basic idea of sequences and series and also knowing how i cycles.

The powers of i will result in either: color(red)(i, color(blue)(-1, color(green)(-i, or color(purple)(1.

We can regroup i+i^2+i^3+\cdots+i^258+i^259 into these categories.

We know that color(red)(i)=color(red)(i^5)=color(red)(i^9) and so on. The same goes for the other powers of i.




We know that within each of these groups, every term is the same, so we are just counting how much of these are repeating.


From here on out, it's pretty simple. You just evaluate the expression:


Aug 1, 2018

According to the polynomial identity

\sum_{k=0}^n x^k = \frac{x^{n+1}-1}{x-1}

we have

i+i^2+i^3+\cdots + i^{259} = \frac{i^{260}-1}{i-1}-1

but i^260 ⁼( i^4)^{65} = 1 hence

i+i^2+i^3+\cdots + i^{259} = -1