F is a transfomation of R^3 to #R^3# so that f(x,y,z)=(x-y,x+y,z-x) How can i find the standart matrix of this transformation and how can i find the inverse of this transformation? I am not sure how to approach this problem

1 Answer
Feb 28, 2018

The matrix is #F=[(1,–1,0),(1,1,0),(–1,0,1)]#.

The inverse matrix is #F^(–1)=[(1/2,1/2,0),(–1/2,1/2,0),(1/2,1/2,1)]#.


A linear transformation such as

#f(x,y,z) = (x-y,"  "x+y,"  "z-x)#

can be expressed as matrix multiplication. Just like how the function #f# takes in the vector #stackrelrarrx = (x, y, z)# and gives back a new vector #(x-y,"  "x+y,"  "z-x),# we are looking for the #3xx3# matrix #F# that satisfies

#F xx stackrelrarrx=[(x-y),(x+y),(z-x)]#.

Let's remember how matrix multiplication works: when multiplying a #3xx3# matrix #[(a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i)]# with a #3xx1# vector #[(x),(y),(z)],# the result is the #3xx1# vector as follows:

#[(a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i)]_ color(red)(3 xx 3) xx [(x),(y),(z)]_ color(red)(3xx1) = [(ax+by+cz),(dx+ey+fz),(gx+hy+iz)]_ color(red)(3 xx 1)#

We want to find what #a,b,c,...,i# need to be so that the product vector (on the right) matches the output vector from the function #f.#

In other words, we want # [(ax+by+cz),(dx+ey+fz),(gx+hy+iz)]=[(x-y),(x+y),(z-x)].#

It may still look like a jumble of letters, but remember—we're going to choose what #a# through #i# are. Let's look at the first line of the equality:


What do #a, b,# and #c# have to be to make this true? Well, on the right we have #1x# and #–1y,# so to make the left side match, we should choose #a=1,# #b=–1,# and #c=0:#


The process is the same for the other two rows. The matrix is



the first row contains the coefficients of #x-y,#
the second row contains the coefficients of #x+y,# and
the third row contains the coefficients of #z-x,#

all in #x,y,z# order, of course.

The inverse matrix #F^(–1)# is the matrix which "undoes" the action done by #F.# That is, just as #F# takes the input #stackrelrarrx# and gives #Fstackrelrarrx#, the matrix #F^(–1)# takes in #Fstackrelrarrx# as input and gives back just #stackrelrarrx:#

#F^(–1) xx Fstackrelrarrx = stackrelrarrx#


#F^(–1) xx [(x-y),(x+y),(z-x)] = [(x),(y),(z)].#

You can find this inverse the same way as before; this one's not too hard to visualize, though others may take some effort. You can also find it by computing the inverse of #F.# Instructions should be available in any introductory matrix algebra textbook.
