Find every way that the team can toss the coin during the week and scrimmage first only twice?

*Monday is the first day the Illinois football team tosses a coin for practice. During the 1st 5 days, the team only scrimmages first twice. On possible pattern of the coin is shown.*

Monday - HEADS - Team Scrimmages
Tuesday- HEADS - Team Scrimmages
Wednesday - TAILS - Runs Drills First
Thursday - TAILS - Runs Drills First
Friday - TAILS - Runs Drills First

1 Answer
Feb 2, 2018

There are #""_5C_2=10# ways.


We can simplify the question a bit, because "scrimmage first" only occurs when the coin toss is a heads. So, the question reduces to, how many ways can we toss a coin 5 times and get 2 heads?

This is much easier to think about, and much easier to solve. Picture 5 coins in a row, with 2 of them heads and 3 of them tails. This is how many ways we can arrange them:

  1. All 5 coins can be arranged in #5!# (or 120) orders.
  2. Since we don't care about the order of the two heads, we divide by the #2!# (2) permutations those two heads make.
  3. Again we don't care about the order of the three tails, so we divide by the #3!# (6) permutations the three tails make.

Our final number is #(5!)/(2!xx3!)#, which equals #120/(2xx6),# or 10 ways to arrange two heads and three tails.

(Quick example: with 5 coins, you could have #H_1H_2 T T T,# but we count that the same as #H_2H_1T T T.# They may be different orders of all 5 coins, but the result is still "2 heads followed by 3 tails".)

This is a common probability concept called combinations. It's how we count the number of ways to select #k# things (like 2 heads) from a group of #n# things (5 coins), if we don't care about the order in which the similar things (2 heads, 3 tails) are chosen.

This value is written as #""_nC_k# or #((n),(k))#, and is spoken as "n choose k". It is equal to #(n!)/(k!(n-k)!).#

The 10 combinations of 2 H and 3 T are:

#H H T T T" "T H T H T#
#H T H T T" "T H T T H#
#H T T H T" "T T H H T#
#H T T T H" "T T H T H#
#T H H T T" "T T T H H#