Flying to Kampala with a tailwind a plane averaged 158 km/h. On the return trip, the plane only averaged 112 km/h while flying back into the same wind. What is the speed of the wind and the speed of the plane in still air?

flying to--av. 158 km/h
Return trip--av. 112 km/h

1 Answer
May 13, 2018

The speed of wind and speed of plane in still air are
# 23 and 135# km/h respectively.


Let the speed of wind and speed of plane in still air

are # w and p# km/h respectively.

The effective speed on onward journey was #p+w=158 ; (1)#

The effective speed on return journey was #p-w=112(2)#

Adding equation (1) and equation (2) we get, #2 p=270# or

#p= 270/2 or p=135 :. w= 158-135 or w= 23#

The speed of wind and speed of plane in still air

are # 23 and 135# km/h respectively. [Ans]