For which value(s) of k,is the function f,defined as below,continuous at x=2?f(x)={3-kx,1≤x<2 and x²/4-3, x≥2.Further,at which other points in [1,infinity[ is f continuous,and why?

1 Answer
Apr 16, 2018




#f(x) = {(3-kx " for " 1 <= x < 2),(x^2/4-3 " for " x >=2):}#

Note that in the interval #x in (1,2)# we have:

#f(x) = 3-kx#

and in the interval #x in (2,+oo)#

#f(x) = x^2/4-3#

so in the interior of each interval #f(x)# equals a polynomial function and is therefore continuous.

Evaluate now the left and right limit of #f(x)# for #x->2#:

#lim_(x->2^-) f(x) = lim_(x->2^-) 3-kx = 3-2k#

#lim_(x->2^+) f(x) = lim_(x->2^+) x^2/4-3 = -2#

In order for #f(x)# to be continuous for #x=2#, in that point the function must have a finite limit and this limit must be equal to #f(2)#.

For the limit to exist, the left and right limits must coincide, so:

#3-2k = -2#



and in such case:

#lim_(x->2) f(x) = -2 = f(2)#.