Houston, Texas has an average annual rainfall about 5.2 times that of El Paso, Texas. If Houston gets about 46 inches of rain, about how many inches does El Paso get?

1 Answer
Sep 17, 2016

approximately 8.85 inches.


If we were given the rainfall in El Paso and wanted to find the rainfall in Houston then.

#color(blue)" we would multiply by 5.2"#

#color(blue)"rainfall in Houston=5.2 times rainfall in El Paso"#

Since we are given the rainfall in Houston and want to find the rainfall in El Paso then.

#color(magenta)" we would divide by 5.2"#

#color(magenta)"rainfall in El Paso = rainfall in Houston ÷ 5.2"#

#rArr"rainfall in El Paso" = 46/5.2#

#=8.846153846larr" from calculator"#

which is approximately 8.85 inches to 2 decimal places.