How can a physical map help explain the historical development of a country?

1 Answer
May 2, 2018

A physical map can help explain the historical development of a country because it can provide information on the geographic challenges the population had to face.


Ask yourself these questions:

-What kind of crops and livestock could be supported by the climate of your country?
-Are there any large land forms, such as mountains or lakes in your country?
-What technology would people need to develop in order to pass through these land forms?
-If they cannot travel through these land forms, by what means did they travel around it?
-If this land form was impassible, did it keep the people of your country safe from invading countries and allow them to grow strong?
-If this land form was impassible, did it prevent your country from advancing by stopping the flow of goods and ideas in and out?

Consider how these questions apply to your particular country.