How did Hitler ensure discrimination against Jewish people?

1 Answer
Sep 15, 2016

He ensured discrimination through widespread harassment and the normalisation of this discrimination through laws.


Hitler had made his attitudes towards Jews quite clear in Mein Kampf and his subsequent speeches. When he became Chancellor in 1933 Hitler immediately set about legalising this discrimination.

Jews were increasingly excluded from the civil service and professions such as law and medicine. The Nuremberg Laws then banned marriage and relationships between Aryan Germans and Jews.

After the murder of a Nazi official by a Jew in Paris, the Nazis through Goebbels instigated Kristallnacht whereby organised pogroms were carried out against Jews, their shops and above all the synagogues throughout Germany.

The imposition of wearing the Star of David was another form of discrimination. Eventually the mass transportations began during World War 2 leading to the extermination of nearly all the Jewish population in Germany.