How did the conflict in Israel begin? Who are the two groups still fighting since 1946?

1 Answer
Oct 8, 2016

It has many historical reasons. The two groups would be a reference to the Palestinians and Israelis. The following answer is a summary of a very complex issue.


After World War 1 the Ottoman Empire was dismantled. The territory of Palestine was given to Britain as a League of Nations mandate. Britain had 50 years to prepare the territory for independence.

During World War 1 the British had promised both Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish international community a homeland in return for their support. When they took over Palestine both groups naturally expected these commitments to be upheld.

In the inter war period pressure mounted as the two groups fought each other and the British. The situation was compounded with the Nazi persecution of the Jews and their attempts to seek refuge in Palestine.

When World War 2 ended, the UN partitioned Palestine into two states, one for the Palestinians and the Jewish state of Israel. The Palestinians and their neighbouring Arab countries immediately attacked Israel but were comprehensively defeated.

As a consequence the Palestinians lost nearly all the land given to them and the Palestinian refugee problem began. This has led to major conflicts in 1956, 67 and 73 as well as contributing to the Lebanese civil war. There has also been the rise of radical Palestinian groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Despite various peace agreements such as Camp David and the Oslo Peace Accords the problem is as intransigent as ever.