How do both a bird and a reptile reproduce?

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2016

They both produce eggs inside of shells, which contain the developing offspring.


After mating, the females of both groups produce eggs which envelope, nourish, and protect the devoping offspring until they are ready to hatch. This is an adaptation that allows these groups to live their entire lives on land without having to return to water in order to reproduce the way amphibians do.

All birds and most reptiles are oviparous, meaning that they lay their eggs outside of their bodies, in which the offspring develop until they hatch.

Some snakes are ovoviviparous, which means that after the mother produces the eggs, she retains the eggs until they hatch and she gives birth to live young. This is not the same as female mammals in which there is a uterus, an embryo, an amniotic sac, and a placenta.