How do you convert 0.74 to a percent?

2 Answers
Dec 12, 2016

#0.74 = 74/400 = 74%#


Percents, fractions and decimals are all different ways of writing the same value or number.

In decimals, each place value represents a power of 10.
For 2 decimal places, the place value is hundredths.

#0.74# is already given as a percent because it shows the numbers of hundredths.

#0.74 = 74/400 = 74%#

The first 2 decimal places show a percent.

Additional note: You can consider the decimal places separately.

#0.74 = 0.7 +0.04#

=#7/10 +4/100#

=#70/100 + 4/100#


Dec 13, 2016

So #0.74# is the same as #74/100#
Another way of writing this as percent is 74%


#color(red)("Percent is expressing values as a fraction but the bottom number is 100")#

Decimal consists of #" units"+10^("ths")+100^("ths")+.....#

So we have:

#" units "+" "10^("ths")" "+" "100^("ths")+.....#
#color(purple)(" "uarr" "uarr" "uarr#
#color(purple)(" "0" "." "7/10" "+" "4/100)#

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the value of a fraction. However, 1 comes in many forms so you can change the way a fraction looks without changing its value.

#color(green)([7/10color(red)(xx1)]" "+" "4/100)#

#color(green)([7/10color(red)(xx10/10)]" "+" "4/100)#

#color(green)(" "[70/100]" "+" "4/100)#

#" "color(green)((70+4)/100" "=" "74/100)color(red)( larr" this is the same as percent")#

So #0.74# is the same as #74/100#

Another way of writing this as percent is 74%