What is a common factor of the equation?
First lets look at #9#
The two numbers #-9# and #-9# both have a common factor of #-9#, so we can take out a #-9# by dividing the equation by #-9# and placing it on the outside of the brackets.
Factoring out -9
New equation: #-9(a^2+a)#
Now lets look at #a#
The common factor of #a^2# and #a# is #a#. Take out #a# by dividing the inside of the brackets by #a# and placing it on the outside
Factoring out the a
New equation: #-9a(a+1)#
Note: Keep in mind that #a/a# is #1#, not zero, because #1/1# is not zero either, so we have to keep a #1# after cancelling out #a/a#.