How do you round 0.79 to the nearest tenth?

2 Answers
Apr 4, 2016

If the hundredths place (the second digit after the decimal point) is 5-9, then the tenths place must be rounded up.


If the hundredths place (the second digit after the decimal point) is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then the tenths place must be rounded up. Since the hundredths place is a 9, then you would round up 0.79 to 0.80.

Apr 18, 2017

The approximation is #0.8#. See explanation.


To approximate a number to the nearest tenth you have to look at the hundredths digit. If it is #5# or more you have to add #1# to the tenths digit, else if it is lower than #5# you leave the tenths digit unchanged.

Here we have:


The hundredths digit (marked in red) is higher than #4# so to round you have to increase the tenths digit:
