How do you round 435.738759458 to 3 decimal places?

1 Answer
Dec 30, 2016

Rounding #435.738759458# to 3 decimal places makes it #435.739#


The given number #435.738759458# has nine digits after decimal point.

Rounding to three decimal places (i.e. up to thousandth place in decimal) means that the number should not have any digit from fourth place onwards.

Presently after #435.738#, the number has #759458# from #4^(th)# place onwards. As the digits #759458# are more than half i.e. #500000#, rounding them means the digit in thousandth place would have to increased by one.

Hence, rounding #435.738759458# to 3 decimal places means it becomes #435.739#.

Had the digits from fourth place onwards been less than #500000#, we would have rounded it to #435.738#.