How do you simplify #((2n)!)/(n!)#?

1 Answer
Dec 10, 2015

There are other ways of writing it, however none of them are simplifications.


While there isn't a simplification of #((2n)!)/(n!)#, there are other ways of expressing it. For example

#((2n)!)/(n!) = prod_(k=0)^(n-1)(2n-k) = (2n)(2n-1)...(n+1)#

This follows directly from the definition of the factorial function and canceling common factors from the numerator and denominator.

#((2n)!)/(n!) = 2^nprod_(k=0)^(n-1)(2k+1) = 2^n(1*3*5*...*(2n-1))#

A short proof of the identity:
#((2n)!)/(n!) = 1/(n!)(1*2*3*...*2n)#

#=1/(n!)*(2*4*6*...*2n) (1*3*5*...*(2n-1))#





What form is best to use depends on the situation, however the given form of


is the most concise.