How do you Simplify (2x3+2)+(5x3+3)?

1 Answer
Apr 16, 2018

The answer to your question would be #\color(tomato)(8+18)#


Original explanation: First you do the first parentheses and get eight. Then, you finish the second parentheses and get eighteen.

Mathematical explanation: Try to remember "PEMDAS" or Parentheses - Exponents - Multiply - Divide - Add - Subtract

  • #(2xx3+2)# by PEMDAS means you do multiplication first. #2xx3=6# so now you have #(6+2)#. Add that and you get #8#
  • #(5xx3+3)# by PEMDAS means multiply first.
    #5xx3=15# so now you have #(15+3)#. Add these, you get #18#.
  • Putting the two values together from the previous steps, #\color(tomato)(8+18)#. If your question wants you to get a single number result, just add that and you get #26#.