How do you write a role play essay?

1 Answer
Feb 24, 2018

Think of a situation. Think of characters (one may be enough). Give them some characteristics. Then, write a short story about how they would act in the situation.


"Role play" is acting out the parts of the characters. You ARE "role playing" anytime you are saying or acting something that is not a normal part of your regular life.

Writing a play, a novel, a poem or a screenplay all involve different specific methods or techniques. But all of them require some imagination and the creation of a tale from either facts or fiction. In all cases, imagining ones self in the story, or actually participating in enacting it are types of role playing.

So, start with a character - they can be like you or like someone you admire, or even someone you despise. Then put them in a situation - it may be very imaginative, or commonplace. Then start to write what you think they would do next... and next... and next... and so on, in a manner consistent with their character.

A conclusion is more satisfying to a reader, but it is not necessary simply for the exercise in creating a role-play scenario.