How do you write an equation of a line going through (-5,-5), and (-2,3)?

1 Answer
Jan 22, 2016

Explanation given in detail to demonstrate methods. Shortcuts would reduce the method considerably!


Let the point be #P_1->(x_1,y_1)-> (-5,-5)#

Let the point be #P_2->(x_2,y_2)->(-2,3)#

Let the gradient (slope) be #m->("change in y-axis")/("change in x-axis")#

Let the constant be #c#

The standardised equation for a strait line graph is:

#color(white)("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")y=mx+c# ..................(1)

#color(blue)("To find the slope (gradient)")#

#m=(y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1) = (3-(-5))/(-2-(-5)) =8/3#

Substitute for m in equation (1) giving:


#color(blue)("To find the value of "c)#

At this stage if we substitute known value for #x# and #y# we end up with only one unknown. Which is c. Thus solvable.

Substitute #P_2->(x_2,y_2)->(-2,3)# into equation (2) giving:



Add #color(green)(16/3)# to both sides

#color(brown)(3 color(green)(+16/3 )=-16/3color(green)(+16/3 )+c)#


Substitute for #c# in equation (2) giving:
