How does the sun differ from other stars? How is the sun similar to other stars?

1 Answer
Oct 17, 2015

it is different from other stars because it is special to us humans. Other than that our sun is still a star.

Sun is a Main sequence Star


It differ from other stars maybe by their mass. Similar to other stars in the process of nuclear fusion.

Sun is a typical Normal sized Star in the universe. These normal sized stars are called Main Sequence Stars. Main sequence Stars have a lifetime of about 10 Billion Years. The life of a star depends in how fast it burns its fuel (hydrogen) and converts it into helium. As of now Sun is about 4.5 Billion years old, it'll burn hydrogen for the next 4.5 Billion years and then it'll transform into a RedGiant star. In this state it'll burn its helium to carbon for the next 100 Million years and then collapse on it's core and become a white dwarf.

Other Big Stars like the Super Giants and Hyper Giants burn their fuel much more faster and can live up to only a 100 million years.

Than we have another type. The Red Dwarf. These stars burn their fuel much slowly then even our Sun. They happen to live for a trillion years. No Red Dwarf has been seen yet to go supernova because the universe is just not so old enough.