How does the Torah reflect the lsraelites respect for the law?

1 Answer
Jan 14, 2017

The Hebrew word Torah can be translated the Law. The Torah made all Israelites equals under the law as recorded in the Five books of Moses, entitled the Torah.


All Hebrew males could undergo a bar mitzvah which translated means a son of the law. This rite of passage in Israel marked the movement of a child into adulthood. Becoming a son of the law shows that respect for the law was the highest value of the Hebrew culture.

The idea that all people are equal under the law has become one of the foundations of Western Democracy. America, England and other democracies owe the ideal of equality under the law to the tradition of the Torah in Hebrew culture.

The Hebrews believed that the law, The Torah, came from God. As the Torah was the law of God it deserved the highest respect and obedience
