How many moles of N2H4 are there in 25.8 grams?

1 Answer
May 2, 2018

#1.648 " mol "N_2H_4#


To convert from grams to moles, we have to multiply the grams by the molar mass.

First, let's find the molar mass of #N_2H4#:
#N_2#: #2((14.007 g)/("mol")) = (28.014 g)/"mol"#

#H_4#: #4((1.008 g)/"mol")) = (4.032 g)/"mol"#

When we add these up, the molar mass of #N_2H_4# is #(28.014 g)/"mol" + (4.032 g)/"mol" = (32.046 g)/"mol"#.

Now we can multiply that by the grams we have:

#52.8cancel( " g " N_2H_4) xx (1 " mol " N_2H_4)/(32.046 cancel(" g " N_2H_4))#

#=> 1.64763153... " mol " N_2H_4#

However, we can only have three significant figures (sig figs) because the original #25.8 " g"# only has #3#, and we are doing multiplication.

So the answer is #1.648 " mol "N_2H_4#

Hope this helps!